Where is the license number Kansas on the license card, and what are the main components of the license card? will be disclosed in this article .

The driver’s license number, Kansas, is written on the top front side of the license card just near the photograph of the license holder on both old and new license cards. The driving license begins with the letter ‘K’, and then a series of eight numbers come, which are selected randomly to complete the license number. The license number consists of nine characters with the inclusion of K. New revised security features were introduced in the latest driving license effective after 2017 to fight against fraud identity with engraved laser and ultraviolet imagery.

Driving License Kansas

The Kansas Department of Motor Vehicles issues a Real ID driver’s license, which conforms to federal laws. This license develops the accuracy of state drivers and their Identification Cards as well. 

Kansas driver’s license expiry date is either after every four years or after every six years. Drivers above sixty-five years have to renew their licenses every coming four years, whereas drivers between the ages of 21 and 65 will get their licenses renewed every six years.

Where is the Driver’s License Number, Kansas? 

The driver’s license number, Kansas, is seen on the front top of the license card, just near the applicant’s photograph. The license number consists of nine characters in which. The first character is the letter K representing Kansas state, and the rest of the eight characters are random machine-generated numbers to complete the nine characters license number for the holder.

Old and New License Difference

The old licenses did not become ineffective after the introduction of new feature licenses, but they are supposed to be replaced entirely by 2023. Approximately 2.5 million licenses in Kansas are supposed to be replaced before this period. The new licenses were introduced in 2017. The new license has revised security features applied to protect against fraudulent activities. New features include shimmering overlay, images with ultraviolet effects, and laser engraving; however, the license number pattern remained the same as before. The cardholder’s lawful presence in the United States is now evident in the new licenses through a star cutout gold circle in the corner. 

Kansas’ new driver’s license has enhanced security elements and meets national identification requirements that are set to take effect in 2020 for individuals entering federal facilities or boarding domestic flights.

Components of New Driving License

The components of the driving license in Kansas are visible clearly in both minor licenses and licenses issued for ages above 21 years.

Above 21 years of Driving License

The main components of the driving license above the age of 21 are given below:

The license number is found on the top front of the card, just near the card holder’s photograph. The date of birth of the license holder is mentioned just below the license number. The name of the cardholder, categorized as first name, middle name, and the last name is mentioned on the card. The address of the cardholder is mentioned below the full name of the cardholder. The class of the vehicle is mentioned below the address. Class A license allows the holder to drive vehicles that weigh 26,001 pounds or more. Class B license holders can drive a without a trailer, a single vehicle that weighs 26,001 pounds or more. Class C can drive vehicles that transport less than 24 passengers, including the driver himself. Sex, height, weight, and eyes are mentioned below the class of the license holder. DD is mentioned below the eye color of the cardholder. It is a security code that is used to identify when and where the license was issued. Donation Status is mentioned on the card next to DD in red color. Issuance and expiry date are mentioned on the top right side of the card. The status of the rest and end are mentioned below the expiry date. Rest tells if any restrictions have been placed on the holder of the card. End tells if any privileges have been endorsed on the license holder.  


The driver’s license number in Kansas is elementary to locate, identify and remember for the license holders. It can be found and read from the front of the card, on the right side of the cardholder’s photograph. 

The specific identity of the letter K with other random eight numbers makes it easier to find. It is also easier to issue and maintain for the department of motor vehicles, Kansas as well because of its enhanced security features. 

When were the enhanced features of the driver’s license introduced?

The enhanced features of driver’s licenses in Kansas were introduced after July 2017.

After how long the new driving licenses will be in circulation completely?

The new driving licenses in Kansas will be entirely in circulation after 2023. It will take this much time because both renewals and new licenses have to be entertained simultaneously by the motor vehicle department of Kansas.