One can buy citric acid in the baking products section. It can also be located in the spice section, or maybe in the kosher, salt section, or maybe in the canning section. It might be listed as sour salt. 

What is Citric acid? 

Citric acid is an odorless, colorless, and crystalline solid having a strong acid taste. Citric acid is soluble in water. 

Its molecular formula is C6H8O7 or can also be known as anhydrous citric acid or CH2COOH-C(OH)COOH-CH2OOH. It can also be known as 2-hydroxyproline-1,2,3-tricarboxylic acid. 

Citric acid was first isolated by a chemist, Carl Wilhelm Scheele from lemon juice which has a crystalline solid structure. 

Where to look for Citric acid? 

Citric acid can be found in the grocery store, in the nearby local supermarket, chain supermarket, or any pharmacy, health products store, or their suppliers. Edible citric acid is mainly available in powder form. It is available in bottles of 50g, 100g to 150g. If you are looking for a small amount, it is best if you can buy it from the grocery store. 

One can look for Citric acid at the spices aisle or kosher section. One can also look in the canning section or with other canning or baking ingredients. 

Citric acid can also be located with pectin. 

One can also get it from a craft store, there may be available because Citric acid is widely used in making bath bombs. 

One can also find Citric acid in home stores or combined stores like Walmart. 

One can also buy Citric acid from restaurant supply stores like the candy-making industry or baking stores, they may supply the Citric acid in large quantities, as well as bulk. They don’t sell smaller amounts but must buy at least 1kg of Citric acid. 

If one needs citric acid in large amounts, or grade, quality, or texture, one can order Citric acid from chemical suppliers. They provide the best quality assurance for their products. The different grades of citric acids are: 

United States Pharmacopeia Grade (USPG)assured products fit the terms of the best quality solution.  

Food Chemical Codex Food Grade 

How to select Citric acid? 

Citric acid is available in mainly two forms- one is Anhydrous citric acid (in powder form with no water), and another is monohydrate (with water content). 

One can choose either anhydrous monohydrate citric acid according to their use. For any specific use, either anhydrous or monohydrate citric acid should work. 

Citric acid can be found in the form of liquid, wet-solid, powder, and crystals. 

How much does it cost to buy Citric acid? 

Well, the price depends more on the quantity, quality, and from where you are buying it. The cost of citric acid also depends on the food grade. 

If you want to buy Citric acid in bulk and from a supplier or wholesale retailer, it may cost as low as $0.10 per pound, according to the amount of Citric acid you are buying. 

If you are buying a smaller amount, a maximum of two pounds, it may cost an average of $9-$10. And if you want more than five pounds, it may cost approximately $17. 

Where can you use Citric acid? 

We can use citric acid in many ways, some are discussed below; 

-Citric acid is widely used in cleaning purposes, (soaps, detergents, dishwashers, tile cleaner, toilet cleaners) and many air fresheners. 

-Citric acid is also used in some pharmacy products to control the pH of the product. 

-Citric acid is used in cosmetics products such as creams, serums, and facial cleaning masks, and is also used in food and diet items. 

-Citric acid is also used as an antioxidant and also in emulsifying ice cream. 


Well, you have known many places where you can buy citric acid, in small amounts, and also in bulk amounts. But there are still so many places you can buy it from there such as your nearby stores that supply home, craft, and food items. 

Is it safe to use citric acid? 

Ans-Yes, Citric acid is safe to use. Citric acid is present in all sour natural products such as fruits and vegetables. Synthetically, it is widely used in preserved food items, cosmetics, and pharmacy. 

How can one form the Citric acid solution? 

Ans-Put the one or two pinches of Sour salt (Crystalline structure of Citric acid) in the non-metal bowl with distilled boiling water and stir it with a non-metal spoon or stirring tool. 

Can one use Citric acid in cleaning the kettle? 

Ans-Yes, Citric acid can be used in cleaning. Use one spoon of Citric acid and half a cup of water, boil it and leave it for a time. After a time, throw out the water and scrub the kettle with the cleanser.