Where To Sell Vinyl Records?

1. Recording-Music Stores

The easiest way to sell your Vinyl records is to take them to music stores in your area. These stores usually have collections of used vinyl records that are available for sale. Since this is one of the first ways that come to mind to buy vinyl records, the store owner will be eager to buy the records you have. Still, it’s a good idea to research prices before selling, because the purpose of music stores in buying your records is not to use them, but to profit from them.

2. eBay

eBay is a very popular platform for selling vinyl records, as it is for many products. You will set the price at the sale, so it can be one of the ways you will make the most profit. You will also sell directly to people who will use the records here. You can review eBay’s pricing guidelines to ensure that your pricing is reasonable. You should also consider shipping costs.

3. Discogs

Discogs is an online music marketplace and you can use it to sell or buy recorded music in various formats. One of the things you need to start selling is to create a free account and another is an active PayPal account. After these two steps, you can start selling your vinyl records on Discogs. When you find a buyer and agree on a price, Discogs takes 8% of this fee as commission. You can charge between 10 cents and $150 per vinyl record, and Discogs plays an active role in determining the price by offering you a price. In addition, you should set the shipping cost.

4. Flea Markets

Flea markets can become ideal spots to sell vinyl records like many other things. In flea markets, you place the products you want to sell on a table or stand and you can get the value you put on your products with cash or barter. Generally, flea markets last a few days, but some may be permanent or move to another location. Platforms like American Fleas can help you find flea markets around you, or you can search for flea markets online. If you decide to sell your vinyl records at the flea market, it’s a good idea to keep your assortment wide. The more diverse the product, the more potential buyers.

5. Second Hand Bookstores

Used bookstores are also places where you can sell your vinyl records. Vinyl records are also often sold in stores such as Half Price Books. But remember, in such places, the buyer does not buy for use and seeks to profit from the product he buys. So your profit won’t be that high. Of course, it also has certain advantages, you don’t have to communicate with potential buyers and you don’t have to deal with things like taking photos or listing products. You enter the store, take your money, and leave.

6. CDandLP.com

CDandLP.com is another music marketplace where you can monetize your vinyl records online. When you sell on this platform, you set the price and shipping fee, but there is automated pricing suggested by the platform. Of course, you do not have to comply with this pricing. You do not have to pay any fee to register on the site, but the commission you will pay varies depending on the sale you make. An amount between 5 percent and 15 percent per transaction is deducted as commission. Although it has a more disadvantageous commission directive than Discogs, it is a highly preferred site by buyers and sellers.

In addition, making sure that you implement the following will ensure that the profit you get from the sales you make is more.

-Educate yourself on vinyl records.

-Know what you are selling and the value of the product you are selling.

-Get information about the condition of your vinyl record.

-There is a list of status codes that you can use in vinyl sales, this list of status codes allows you to determine where the album belongs. Enthusiasts, namely your potential buyers, will dominate this list. So you should be too.


You can make quite a profit by selling vinyl records. But as with almost any business, you need to make sure you do enough research before you start making a profit. Educating yourself about pricing, the condition of the product you’re selling, and other factors will reduce your waiting time to make a profit. But if you have a passion for music and are experienced with how to sell something, it could also be a great side job opportunity for you.