Which Baseball Position Is Known As The Captain?

In baseball, usually, a catcher or first baseman is in the position of a captain. But it is not compulsory. Anyone in a team can be a captain. It depends on the performance and a player’s seriousness, how much he is sincere toward his game. In baseball, a captain is selected by the manager of the team.

Baseball Player As A Captain:

A team captain is a leader, who can assist, guide, follow, and let other follow the instructions given by team management. The captain of a baseball team is selected by the management of the team. A player who wants to be a captain must perform outstandingly, which means he is the favorite player not only of the management but also other members of the team who can easily communicate with him.

Which Position Is known As Captain:

In baseball, all athletes play equally, but there are two athletes in a team that plays a major role in making a team win a match.

These two are

Catcher:  A player in a baseball team known as a catcher who is responsible for catching the ball and calling for the strike. A catcher plays a significant role in the game and he is part of every game of baseball. First baseman: He also plays s major role in the game. The First baseman is responsible for fielding and catching a ball. He performs as a fielder and tries to catch a ball on the ground after getting hit by the baller. He also makes catches thrown by other fielders to out the runner at first base.

But a point should be kept in mind that anyone in a team can do a captaincy, depending on their performance and credibility.

Things To Do, To Get A Captaincy:

The athletes who want to lead their team members and want to be on the rank of captain must do the following things:

Must be Punctual: This is one of the main characteristics a good leader must possess, which means he must be punctual and always be on time for all the drills, exercises, games, and meetings. He should be a model for punctuality for all other athletes in a team. Must gain the respect of team members and management: He must be cooperative and always ready to listen to the problems of others. To be a captain, he must obey the orders given by the management. He must carry a positive attitude toward the game and its players. These things help an athlete to get respect and love from others, which helps him a lot in getting captaincy. Work hard: If an athlete wants to be a captain, he must work hard. He must perform all his drills and play the game with full concentration.  

Qualities Of A Good Baseball Captain:

Here are some qualities of a good baseball captain, that management sees in a player to select him as a captain:

Caring and loyal: A player that is devoted and passionate toward his team and members is at the top of the list of players who can be a captain. Because he is caring, he spends his time communicating with other members of the team. Other members trust him and can easily discuss their personal and professional issues with him. Can handle the pressure: In baseball, there are lots of moments when teams go under pressure. A player that handles this pressure with ease and guides others on how to handle the situation is the favorite choice of management to rank as a captain.

A pitcher and first baseman are in this position where they handle a lot of pressure, which is why they mostly get the captaincy.

Mentally and emotionally mature: The management usually looks for captaincy in a player who is mentally and emotionally mature. In baseball, when a team goes into a crisis a player who works to high the morale of team members is the one who can be captain. Courageous and confident: When selecting a team’s captain, management sometimes creates a situation to check whether a player can take a decision confidently in this difficult situation. This test is designed to check whether a player is capable of being a captain of a team or not. Positive mindset: A player with a positive mind is always beneficial for the team. Whether the team wins or loses a game, a player who motivates his fellows and boosts their morale is always considered by the management to lead the team.

Importance Of Captaincy:

A question may come to mind, if it is so difficult to be a baseball captain, why anyone want to get this position?

Players always love to get the rank of captain because 

It brings more career opportunities

A player loved to be a captain

Because it brings fame and money

A player loves baseball


Captaincy is a difficult task but to be a captain of a baseball team is a desire of many baseball players. The pitcher and first baseman are selected to be a captain after they had gone through many drills and tests conducted by the management. Other players in different positions also get this rank if they satisfied the management with their hard work.

Can any player in a team be selected for captain?

Usually, the pitcher and first baseman is a captain in baseball. But other players can also acquire this position if management wants to do so.

Why a baseball team needs a captain?

A team needed a captain because he is a person who leads the team and takes them toward success.

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